Tag: rent

Our take on current property investment news, developments and lifestyle in Australia

RENTVESTING: Why would we do it?

RENTVESTING: Why would we do it?

Okay, RENTVESTING! Why would we do it? /What exactly is it? First of all rentvesting is renting where you want to live, and going investing somewhere else around the country. Now the old adage, rent money is dead money, well it’s true if you’re not putting it into an income-producing asset or using those funds […]

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RENTVESTING – why would we do it?

Did you know that most of Australia’s wealthy rent? Sounds crazy, but it’s all part of their master plan! They build their wealth somewhere else and go and rent where they want to live. Rentvesting is an excellent way to build your wealth through strategic property investing, while living the lifestyle you want. Want to […]

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